Biological Name: Terminalia belericaCombretaceae family
Other Names: Beleric Myrobalan, Bibhitaki, bhairaBahira, Bilhitak, bahera, Vibhidhaka

This herb, which is an important Ayurvedic herb, is a tree found throughout the Indian forests and plains.

Parts Used: Fruit
Remedies ForAction:

Anthelmintic, antiseptic, astringent, expectorant, laxative, lithotriptic, rejuvenative, tonic.

Action & Uses in Ayurveda and Siddha

Rasam, Kashayam, mathura vipakam, ushna veeryam, pitta kapha hararm, good for vision, hair. 

Internally for kasam, krimi, swarbhangam.
Externally antiseptic, lotion. Paste for pitta swellings, eye diseases.

Action and Uses in Unani

Tonic to brain and stomach, liquifies matter, acts as astringent, expells touda and safra, dries ruthoobath, headache, piles, chronic diarrhea.


The fruit is one among the triphala of ayurveda. It is useful in asthma, biliousness, bronchitis, inflammations, sore throat, and treating the diseases of eyes, nose, heart and bladder.

Dosage: Infusion, decoction, powder, paste
Safety:This herb may raise the “vayu” as defined in ayurveda. No other information available. Do not use without supervision of a qualified practitioner.

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